
Top 5 Guitar Apps for Samsung BADA OS

Top 5 Free Guitar Apps for Samsung BADA OS. Check Out some of the best Guitar Apps for Samsung BADA OS phone. If you think there are some other guitar apps than dont forget share with us. Just check it out and don’t forget to share your valuable reviews about these apps.

Harmony Guitar

Select the code you want at the code list. When selected, the code guide is marked for the user to touch.
Push the code guide, and you can hear the code in advance. You can drag and put the code you want in a blank slot.
Harmony Guitar 1 Harmony Guitar 2

Guitar Chords 

This application gives you more than 50 chords with guitar fingerings on the fretboard. For all notes of the scale, you will find the major and minor chords as the 7th and 9th.
As a beginner or to consolidate your knowledge of the chords, this application is very simple to use.
Guitar Chords 1 Guitar Chords 2 Guitar Chords 3


This application mainly aims at the novice guitar user and gives him a readymade handbook to tune his guitar and look up for chords.This application has two parts.
1. Guitar tuner-This provides the user with the 6 open string notes being played at a regular interval. The user can anytime tune his guitar perfectly by listening to the sound.
2.Guitar chords- This provides the user with the sound and positions of some basic guitar chords. Whenever he wants he can look up for his favourite chords in this application.
GuitaRing 1 GuitaRing 2 GuitaRing 3

Guitar Tuner

Cool interactive app for tuning a guitar.Guitar player! You will like it!
Guitar Tuner 1 Guitar Tuner 2

Easy Guitar Tuner

An easy to use guitar tuner to tune your guitar by hear, repeat mode available for each tone.
Easy Guitar Tuner 1 Easy Guitar Tuner 2
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